Welcome to Crystal Cadence

Welcome to Crystal Cadence in Los Angeles, home of one of the largest displays of crystal alchemy singing bowls in the world, and a place for Song and Sound Healing.

Please enjoy this free gift! 

A guided meditation focused on the balancing and harmonizing of your endocrine system, with Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls.

Heart to heart from Jeralyn:

From a very young age, I have been acutely aware of the healing power of music. Music is the universal language, and the human voice, the most personal of all instruments because its resonance creates a direct communication with the heart. I have been blessed to spend my life in the performing arts, enjoying an international career as a singer and teacher. It is a privilege and a great joy to share my artistry and to guide my students and clients in discovering their own true voice and their magnificence.

In 2008, I received a gift of Crystal Tones Singing Bowls. I was immediately taken with their purity and clarity and I used them for myself, my family and my students. They helped open blockages, relieved stress and enhanced freedom of expression. My son loved their magic and as he went through his voice change during the semifinals of a national singing contest, their frequencies gave him a stability which enabled him to sing beautifully and healthily as he shifted to his ‘grown up’ sound. We shared so many things, love of nature, love of cooking, love of skiing, and especially, love of music.

On March 27, 2015, my life changed forever when I lost him. My only child, my beloved son, 19 years old. My world was shaken to its very core and I was brought to my knees. Nothing made sense anymore. Everything I believed about life was in question. Never had I imagined that one day music and sound would be my emotional stability through such unimaginable loss. Life became a journey of negotiating profound grief, and music and sound vibration, the healing path through that anguish. When I become frozen in grief, and the feelings are overwhelming, the bowls offer me comfort and friendship. Their vibrations and frequencies ground and protect me. The incredible beauty of their tones soothes, comforts and brings peace, acceptance, hope and healing.

Some days the longing to hold him again is too intense and I cannot bear my sadness. The Selenite G# heavenly connection bowl takes me immediately to my son. In pure Love. The Chrysoprase heart F bowl emanates forgiveness and comforts my brokenness, while the black Tourmaline D# bowl purifies, protects, balances and grounds. The feelings are fluid, different every day, and the bowls I choose to play in that moment gift me their beauty and power to heal. The infused gemstones add their magic to the vibrational mix. A crystalline cadence.

The luminescent pathways the sound creates are indescribable, profoundly transforming my darkness to radiance and my grief to love and acceptance. A journey of healing, of release, a journey of heart, soul, vibration and frequency. Beyond words. Beyond understanding. Sound. Whatever is longing to shift in you, to open, to release or to transform, I look forward to sharing these beautiful sonic tools with you. Crystal Cadence. Music of the Heart.

In light and love,

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