Solstice 2020 Healing Sound Bath – Recording


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We honor the birth of the Light and the longest night of the year through music, song, and high vibrational sound. A time for peaceful stillness, to reflect on what has been; a year of profound changes around the globe and to acknowledge where we have come. We set intentions for new possibilities and the birthing of our inner radiance and passion. In this exalted time of the cosmic forces, we embrace the darkness and open to the light; a time of renewal, release, and new beginnings.

“Experience the exquisite and healing gemstone infused crystal alchemy singing bowls: be bathed in the frequencies of rose quartz, frankincense, ruby, gold, emerald, morganite, St Germain, and the glorious tones of the resonant supergrade bowls, all in combination with Jeralyn’s magnetic presence and angelic voice.

Jeralyn Glass brings sacred sound into an event, uplifting the energy and casting an enchanting spell over all participants.”

— Marianne Williamson, Internationally Acclaimed Lecturer, Activist, Author of 4 #1 NY Times Bestsellers

*This is a video that can be streamed from the internet or digitally downloaded. This is not a physical CD.

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