Are you drawn to the healing tones
of the Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls?

Do you want to explore the world of Sacred Sound?

Would you like to become a trained
Crystal Alchemy Sound Healer?


Please join internationally acclaimed Master Alchemist Professor Jeralyn Glass for these intensive and transformative Crystal Alchemy Sound Healing Trainings.

Each Training Includes:

Professor Jeralyn Glass brings decades of wisdom and experience, teaching and performing internationally. Students are inspired, transformed, motivated and supported to express their personal alchemy in the world. The pillars of The Sacred Science of Sound™ educational structure are based on Integrity, Authenticity, Presence, Generosity, Service and Love.


Small Class Size

All trainings offered have limited enrollment to create an intimate experience for each student.


Based on The Energy Codes® by Dr. Sue Morter, exploring the science behind the sound.

Music Theory

The musical structure behind the science of sound healing.

Chakra System

Activate, clear, and harmonize the energy centers of the body through integration of sound healing.

Art of Sound Healing

Practice and embody leading sound baths, ceremonies, group, and private healing sessions.


Professor Jeralyn Glass, a Hay House author, leader in the field of Sound and Music as Medicine.

Techniques, Uses and Alchemies

A personalized and in-depth exploration of the quantum world of crystal alchemy singing bowls.

Voice and the Human Instrument

Activating the power of the voice as a unique vibratory signature.

Endocrine System

Discover the power of music and crystalline sound to balance the body chemistry.  

Personal Alchemy

Bring balance to the body chemistry with sacred sound and energy medicine exploration.

Virtual 2-Day Introductory Course

2-Day (4 hours total) Virtual Course
This 4-hour virtual course will introduce you to the basics of Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls and the Sacred Science of Sound™.

Upcoming dates:

To be announced.


Level 1 Training

4-Day (32 hours total) Virtual and In-Person Training

Level 1 establishes a grounded structure for a rich and varied exploration of sound healing using crystal alchemy singing bowls.
Upcoming Dates:

October 2024 In-Person
October 23-26, 2024
8:30am – 5:30pm PST
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA


Level 2 Training

4-Days (32 hours total) Virtual and In-Person Training 

Level 2 offers a deeper dive into the science and practice of sacred sound as a continuation of Level 1.
Upcoming Dates:

September 2024 Virtual
September 19-22, 2024
8:30am – 5:00pm PST

Level 3 Immersion

4-Day (32 hours total) Virtual Training

In depth exploration into the science and practice of sacred sound as a continuation of Levels 1 & 2. Including collaborations and deeper immersion into the quantum world of crystal alchemy singing bowls including special guests, research, and case studies.

Upcoming Dates:

To be announced.




Advanced Retreat 

4-Days (32 hours total) In-Person Training

The advanced in person retreat for Level 1 and 2 graduates will be a deep dive and exploration into the ever expanding world of sound healing using crystal alchemy singing bowls. We will concentrate on expressing, up-leveling and embodying your unique vibrational signature. The advanced retreat will also focus on your business and your personal development with healing sound and support the expression of your gifts in the world.

Upcoming Dates:

To be announced.


The Sacred Science of Sound™ Trainings, with Professor Jeralyn Glass, are endorsed by Crystal Tones®

We cannot recommend more highly that you meet Jeralyn Glass, affectionately known as SongMother at Crystal Cadence, a spiritual refuge in Los Angeles, where seekers from around the world are drawn to her Crystal Tones Sound Healing Temple. Jeralyn has gone through one of the hardest master teachings of loss. This has made her a masterful teacher. Although she’s experienced such lows, she does not allow the emotions to stop her from rapidly transforming herself and those around her. This is one of the meanings for what it is to be a Crystal Bowl Master: to not allow negativity to distract you from your mission. It has been a joy mentoring her because she is able to keep her mind open to what is being channeled for her. She’s worked closely with me learning how to activate the mother’s heart. She is able to listen to the messages of the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls and explain them to others. Experience the magic yourself at the Crystal Tones Temple in LA!

As you embark on this training with Jeralyn, you can look forward to a truly enlightening and heart centered experience.

Lupito Jones, Paul Utz
Co – Founders of Crystal Tones

Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need bowls to take the trainings?

You do not need bowls for Introductory Course. You do need at least 3 alchemy bowls for Level 1 training.


Are there any prerequisites?

We highly recommend the 4-hour introductory course as a prerequisite. Each course builds upon the previous course.


Are the trainings pre-recorded?

No they are live and experiential. We ask for your presence for the full duration of the training to receive your certificate of completion.


Are the trainings in-person or virtual?

We are offering both in-person and virtual trainings durning 2023. 

Jeralyn’s training courses took me into the stratosphere of personal growth and musicianship.  I could have never imagined being where I am now, playing these alchemical crystal bowls in ways that enhance other people’s lives.  Her loving presence, mentorship and teachings have brought me personal joy, healed my heart and set me free to be a channel and healer sharing the crystal bowl medicine that is so needed today.  I highly recommend these trainings for taking a giant leap forward in your life and practice.

Julie Steelman - Graduate Level 1, 2, 3

Jeralyn is an extraordinary teacher. Her transformational classes are inspiring and empowering. She creates a safe, sacred space for deep exploration. She teaches  from her heart, drawing on her vast experience and intuitive wisdom. Jeralyn meets each student where they are and brings out the best in them, encouraging them to move to their next level. A bonus of the trainings is the opportunity to meet a wonderful community of like-minded people from around the world. I have taken all of Jeralyn’s trainings and will participate in anything she offers in the future.

Amy Bacheller, Graduate Level 1, 2, 3

My gratitude for Jeralyn is truly beyond words. She introduced me to the magic of the crystal alchemy singing bowls and her training program brought them to life for me. Her ongoing guidance with these incredible instruments of transformation has opened a whole new world for me using the vibrational frequencies of sound, which brings us back to our natural state. Infinite possibility is now on my daily horizon thanks to Jeralyn’s wisdom, expertise, love, passion and authenticity. Absolutely priceless!

Susan Eva - Graduate Level 1, 2

From my very first step into the life of Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls with Jeralyn Glass, it’s
been a miraculous journey of growth, expansion, grounding and learning from a Musical
Jeralyn’s exuberance and passion in sharing her vast experience and wisdom in the field of
music and her skill in teasing out the unique gifts that each one of us brings to the training
has been greatest gift I could give myself.
My life has changed in so many magical ways, including an awareness of the Crystalline
Nature of my own body. I feel strong, present and in vibrant health since starting this
journey with Jeralyn.

Wendy Leppard - Graduate Level 1, 2

Level 1&2 taught me the playing of crystal bowls, but really, it was so much more.  Jeralyn compassionately guided me to play my crystal bowls through knowing and expressing me in my own personal, authentic manner.  Who knew? Her teaching methods were the kindest and safest I have ever experienced in a lifetime of learning. Her methods brought out treasures within myself I did not know I had.  I now joyfully and confidently express myself through my gorgeous singing bowls and in all areas of my life.  I’m truly grateful for the authentic me I now am because of these classes.

Heather York - Graduate Level 1, 2

Jeralyn is a joy to know and her training is outstanding.  She helped me select my bowls and then the training made it possible for me to understand the science and structure and the “How to” make beautiful sounds that delight and send my clients to a whole new realm of consciousness.  I am so glad to learn from such an inspired teacher.

Joyce Elenor - Graduate Level 1, 2

Jeralyn created a safe space for me to explore the connection between my emotions and the power of the crystal bowls to move blocked energy. I experienced what it felt like in my body for my heart to soften and open. From this expanded version of myself, I was able to be in the moment as I played the bowls, trust the flow and express from an open heart. I received loving support to connect with my gifts without judgment and comparison and shine in my newfound sense of wholeness.

Anne Johnson - Graduate Level 1, 2

Jeralyn is one of those unique souls that has masterfully combined her technical expertise with her intuitive gifts to compassionately offer teachings to those called to sound, vibration and light.
With her ability to see the body as human instrument, she supports learners in increasing their own vibration to fuller embodiment by providing specific, practical, and targeted feedback.
Her passionate and joyful expression in every moment makes learning deeply impactful and rewarding.
If you’re looking for a guide that is living her soul purpose, you’ve found one in Jeralyn.

Lisa Strogal - Graduate Level 1, 2, 3

I have thoroughly enjoyed Jeralyn’s teaching. The program was well organized with different interactive exercises that continue to expand our potential. I also like having the different guest speakers sharing their knowledge and helping us to elevate our skills as an alchemy crystal bowl practitioner.
After taking Level 1 to 3 training with Jeralyn, I have a deeper understanding and clarity of the power of sound and am able to apply the things that I’ve learned to elevate my sound therapy offerings and my own personal healing journey. I am deeply grateful. 
Malbert Lee - Graduate Level 1, 2, 3

The door to a world of wonders opened when I bought my first trio of Alchemy bowls from Professor Jeralyn Glass.  I have since completed all of Jeralyn’s Sacred Science of Sound Crystal Alchemy trainings, each a one-of-a-kind experience of rapid growth and deep transformation.  The combination of Jeralyn’s world-renowned musical expertise and her authentic, open-hearted courage enable her to teach like no one else on the planet.  She is an inspiring, grounded, and supportive leader at the forefront of sound healing.  Above all, Jeralyn Glass is blazing a beautiful trail of love.   

Jennifer DeVille Catalano, Ph.D. - Graduate Level 1, 2, 3

The Level III training for the Sacred Science of Sound is phenomenal. Where do I begin? First of all, the community of Sound Practitioners that you form a beautiful bond with in your training all have such integrity, generosity, and love to share. Professor Glass and the incredible women who co-facilitate with her hold the most pristine space to expand, shine and deepen your own unique gifts. The way I play is forever changed because of this training and their guidance. I express more easily because I tapped into a part of my soul that is rooted in my authentic expression. The feedback from groups and clients since Level III is stunning. People really feel the transmission of love and healing in a profound way. And if this weren’t enough, Jeralyn gathers guest facility that blow your mind! They are all experts in their fields that add such a richness to our learning. You get access to luminaries who usually share with class sizes of hundreds of people. It’s extraordinary the community that’s building through the Sacred Science of Sound. If you feel called, jump in. We will welcome you with open arms, holding a space for you to grow safely with unconditional love and support. 

Sara Bayles - Graduate Level 1, 2, 3

I am beyond grateful to have studied under Professor Glass and taken her levels 1, 2, and 3 sound healing trainings.  Jeralyn’s trainings are profound, expanding, enlightening, centering, and accelerating, all in one!  Each level was it’s own magical bubble, full of deep wisdom and knowledge, personal refinement, skill cultivation, and soul connection.  Professor Glass’ teaching style is unconventional, experiential, and highly effective!  She brings in incredibly special, relevant guest teachers for an even greater perspective.  Throughout all 3 trainings I did not have to try to retain anything.  By simply being there and trusting, all of the wisdom (and there was a lot) from the 4 days was absorbed and integrated into my body, heart, mind, and life.  It felt as if it rose up from within me as opposed to being fed to me.
The personal transformations that I experienced in and following each training were mind-blowing!  I left each training so much lighter, clearer, and more embodied and aligned.  Furthermore, each training acted as a ‘superboost,’ sending me soaring on my path.  The training would end and, like clockwork, aligned opportunities would fall into my lap.  Looking back I am truly a different person living a different life from when I started working with Jeralyn 2 and a half years ago.  The transformations have all been very positive!  
Finally, I want to acknowledge the community piece of the training.  The connections made during levels 1, 2, and 3 continue to be deeply profound and supportive, even years and months later.  I communicate with my sound sisters and brothers on a regular basis.  We go to each other for advice, support, and simply to share.  We lift each other up and send each other opportunities.  I feel very blessed and grateful to be part of such a beautiful, heart-centered community. 
Jennifer Kelleher, Graduate Level 1, 2, 3

Jeralyn has opened up a whole new magical world to me- the pure miracle of crystal bowl sound healing.  I heard Jeralyn play online a few years ago and I had such a powerful visceral reaction. As someone who has been passionate about all things spiritual  for decades, I was absolutely intrigued,  so I gifted myself with private lessons with Jeralyn. 

Initially Jeralyn lovingly guided me to choose the most appropriate bowl alchemies (she transmits and explains the message of who and what the bowls are in a passionate heartfelt way), as well as the specific notes and tuning for myself and my little boy. Together we put together a beautiful harmonious set of bowls. I now have my own personal crystal bowl orchestra that is the perfect sound medicine for me, little Maxi, my friends and my clients. What a privilege it has been to be coached by Jeralyn, with all of her musical expertise and with her profound intuitive gifts. 
Jeralyn taught me to how to play my bowls harmonically to create my own magical, healing music. 
She helped me to find the balance between the musical structure of sound and that of tuning into my own intuitive guidance as I play. This exquisite musical journey with Jeralyn has opened me more and more, to listen to the symphony of my soul.
Jenny Ferrini, Graduate Level 1, 2

My experience with Levels I, II and III Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowl trainings with Jeralyn, Crystal Cadence and the Sacred Science of Sound, was exquisite and exceptional in every way.  The opportunity to learn from such an enthusiastic and creative instructor who has decades of professional, international musical and stage performance experience, and who has poured all of that into her own special mastery of the crystal bowls, is a profound and incredible gift and honor.  Her dedication to service to her students, and those whom they will serve, as well as being a pioneer and co-collaborator with world renowned sound healers and scientists in the emerging and growing field, is truly palpable and a guiding force of her seemingly tireless energy.  

From my first one-on-one mentorship session, I found in Jeralyn not only a unique and gifted teacher, mentor and coach, but someone with such loving pure presence and authentic compassion and empathy who would gently hold safe, sacred space for me to be vulnerable, trust and allow beautiful healing as I discovered wounded and unresolved places in my own heart ready to be revealed.  Until that time, I had had no idea how powerful sound could be, even with playing only one or two bowls for myself, guided by such tender care and grace.  Teacher, mentor, guide, cheerleader and friend – that’s who Jeralyn is for all of her students, co-facilitators and team.

Each Level of the trainings are built upon each other and are intentionally and skillfully crafted in such a way that not only deepens your technical abilities with the bowls and understanding of music theory, also with suggestions and support for how to create a sound facilitator practice, but they also encourage the emergence and expression of the inner, intuitive, sonic artist from deep within your soul, out into your playing of the bowls.  This, combined with learning how, and having courage to free and use your own authentic voice, builds confidence to expand your craft in whatever way is yours

I cannot recommend these trainings and, especially, Jeralyn, highly enough to propel you into up-leveling every aspect of your life and to be able to offer sound-as-medicine to the world.

Brenda Rew, Graduate Level 1, 2

Jeralyn Glass is a leader in the field of Sound Healing using Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls. She is an internationally acclaimed Singer, Professor, and Musician who has been sharing the gift of music medicine with the world for decades. Jeralyn offers a unique alchemical blend of classical music, meditation and high vibrational sound which helps people facilitate healing and transformation through the power of music and sacred frequencies that nourish our bodies, connect us with our hearts, and awaken our consciousness.

Jeralyn began her career on Broadway as the youngest cast member in the 25th anniversary revival of My Fair Lady starring Rex Harrison. Her singing expanded to include the Opera and Concert stages of the world, where she performed early baroque music to Modern composers, and was praised as a “Mozart singer of the first order”. She sang the National Anthem for over 18,000 people in her hometown of Los Angeles and has written and sung tributes to star athletes and European presidents. Jeralyn created kids4kids World Foundation in Germany, a charitable organization which she led for 10 years, training and presenting musical theater performances by and for young people. The proceeds in turn funded a successful music therapy program for youth.

The course of her life shifted dramatically in 2015 with the loss of her only child. Sound and Energy Medicine became the path for her own journey through grief and inspired her active participation with The Cancer Support Community, The Compassionate Friends,Veterans Organizations, and Maria Shriver’s Women and Alzheimer’s Movement.

Passionate about Music and Sound Vibration as tools of self discovery and healing, Jeralyn founded Crystal Cadence™, home of the Los Angeles Crystal Tones Singing Bowl Temple, where she also teaches the internationally renowned Sacred Science of Sound Crystal Alchemy Sound Healing Trainings™, offers Mentorships, Transformational Voice and personalized, masterful consultations choosing your alchemy singing bowls.

Jeralyn has performed her high vibrational music alongside New Thought Leaders Marianne Williamson, Dr. Daniel Levitin, Dr. Sue Morter, Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Anita Moorjani, Lee Harris, the late Barbara Marx Hubbard and presented her vocal and meditative concerts at Science and Spirituality conferences around the world. She works closely with singer/songwriter Jhenè Aiko. She created music for the Sleep Soul album Volume 2.

Professor Jeralyn Glass is a much sought after teacher and musician and delights in sharing her wisdom and experience. Her Crystal Alchemy Sound Healing classes are a well loved offering from The Shift Network online and she taught in person at their Sacred Sound Healing Retreat in 2022. She is a popular presenter on the annual Shift Network Sound Healing Summits since 2019.

Jeralyn’s music is available here at and on all streaming platforms. You will find a wealth of free Crystal Alchemy Meditations, Tune up Tuesdays, as well as the first ever 2 hour Crystal Alchemy Meditative Loops on the Crystal Cadence YouTube channel. Please subscribe here:

In 2018, Jeralyn created the popular online series, The Sacred Science of Sound™ an educational platform known for offering cutting edge concerts, in person and online events and master classes merging Quantum Science, Vibrational Medicine, Bio Energetics and the Healing Power of Music.The eagerly awaited App called Source will be releasing in 2023. The Sacred Science of Sound ™ offers a Membership Portal with conversations, healing music and more,

Jeralyn appears on the January 2023 “You Can Heal Your Life Summit” presented by Hay House and in the legacy of Louise Hay, is honored to be a Hay House author publishing in 2023.

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